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Preventive Oncological Screening

We perform smaller surgical interventions at our modern, well-equipped operating room, using gentle local anaesthetics and setting aside ample time for each procedure.

Here are some of the general surgical services we provide:

  • Wound suturing (stitches)
  • Removal of lumps, moles and growths on and under the skin
  • Treatment of abscesses
  • Treatment of inflammations on fingers and toes
  • Treatment of ingrown nails
  • Excision and cosmetic improvement of postoperative scars
  • Treatment and dressing of acute and chronic wounds
  • Extraction of foreign bodies from wounds of various origins
  • Examination of hernias
  • Mammography screenings

Mammology is concerned with the diagnostics and treatment of issues affecting the female breast.  In case of need, we’ll arrange for follow-up surgical treatment and other care through our healthcare coordinator.

Cooperation with the 3rd Surgical Clinic of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol

As part of providing comprehensive health services in the field of surgery, My Clinic works with the 3rd Surgical Clinic of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol and its head, Professor Robert Lischke, MD, PhD. For our clients who require more demanding surgery, we thus provide the certainty of first-class care at a renowned university hospital.



Other surgeries at My Clinic:

Need help in picking the right program for you?

Drop us a message or call our client helpline – we will gladly assist.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po, Čt, Pá 07:30-16:00; Út, St 07:30-18:00