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Preventive Oncological Screening

Healthcare Programs for Adults and Children

Do your subjective well-being, and being in good shape, matter a lot to you? Would you like to find out how to improve your health? Are you interested in the latest findings in the field of medical care? Are you prepared to pay proper attention to your health? Do you want quality care also for those near and dear to you?

If you answered any of these questions in the affirmative, you are on the right track to putting your health front and center – and the team of specialists at My Clinic stands ready to lay the best possible groundwork for you.

Healthcare at our clinic is rooted in an individual approach to each and every patient, and in a high level of professionalism. Each client is given ample time during examinations and for subsequent consultations. We are giving special attention to prevention.

For a personalized care concept that is tailored to your needs, check out our healthcare programs for adults and children. You have the choice among an ever-growing range of options, reflecting the wishes expressed by our patients.

Healthcare Program for Adults

This care program gives you access to year-round, unlimited care by a general practitioner and internist, including annual preventative check-ups and flu shots, comprehensive dental services, to name just a few of the perks. Check out the additional options for expanding the scope of care within the My Exclusive program, which for instance includes three hours of physical therapy as well as other specialist examinations.

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Naturally, we all want the best for our children. Good medical care is the basis for their successful development. The My Clinic healthcare program for children comprises year-round, unlimited pediatric care for children of all ages, from birth until 18 years of age, including annual preventative screenings (and in the case of newborns, up to 9 screenings within the first year of life).

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My Maternity Pregnancy Programme

Our main goal is to guide you throughout your pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care in the best possible and most caring way. The best thing you can do for your baby at the start of its life is to experience these precious moments in safety and with positive anticipation.

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My Gynaecology

Are you looking for a leading gynaecologist, a specialist with whom you can address your intimate issues with confidence and whom you are happy to approach with any “feminine” health issue? We offer our Gynaecology program to clients of Czech health insurance companies. It is also a good solution, for instance, for women who need to see a doctor more often during the year.

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Are you troubled by involuntary leakage of urine as you make a dash for something, or let out a cough, or do sports – or after a surgical intervention, or during activities of any kind? This often indicates a case of stress incontinence (SUI). Another plus is that therapy of pelvic floor improves an intimate life of women.

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Cancer Preventive Screening

At My Clinic we want to encourage our clients to make maximum use of preventive screening examinations. We also help clients achieve a healthy lifestyle, which plays and undeniable role in cancer prevention.

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Po - Čt 7.30-18.00, Pá 7.30-16.00