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Preventive Oncological Screening

Treating pelvic floor dysfunction with active exercise and the MYO 200

Are you troubled by involuntary leakage of urine as you make a dash for something, or let out a cough, or do sports – or after a surgical intervention, or during activities of any kind? This often indicates a case of stress incontinence (SUI). Another plus is that therapy of pelvic floor improves an intimate life of women.

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What is incontinence, and who is affected?

Incontinence, i.e., the unintentional passing of urine, often plagues women after giving birth, during menopause, after urogynecological surgery, or in the aftermath of frequent vaginal or urinary infections. It may also occur in individuals plagued by chronic cough or chronic constipation. If incontinence persists even after several months have passed, seeing a urologist or gynecologist is advisable so that necessary therapeutic measures can be taken.

Clients who suffer from a light to moderate form of SUI will be referred by the specialist to a physiotherapist who examines the condition of the client’s pelvic floor: the set of muscles which line the bottom of the lesser pelvis like a bowl, forming a kind of hammock to keep your organs in place. The pelvic floor, being a part of your core muscle system, plays a key role in the optimal posture of your body as you move through space, whether in the course of ordinary activities or during sports.

How does the therapeutic regimen at My Clinic work?

At our clinic, we offer solutions for urinary incontinence, either as part of the My Myo Program or in the form of individual visits of recommended specialists.

We specialize in helping women whose gynecologist or urologist diagnosed a light or moderate form of SUI. The treatment itself takes place under the expert guidance of a physiotherapist who introduces the client to "bespoke" exercises, tailored to her exact needs and meant to be repeated at home.

Another option is pelvic floor strengthening via biofeedback on the MYO 200, a device by leading manufacturer Gymna Uniphy whose display provides real-time feedback in the form of graphs and other visualizations, showing the physician and the client whether the pelvic floor muscles are being properly exercised. The pressure probe for biofeedback (which is included in the fee for the My Myo Program) may be inserted by the client herself, discreetly and without any discomfort. In cases in which the pelvic floor is too weak to be controlled by the client, the treatment of choice is electrostimulation, again with biofeedback via a special probe (also inserted by the client herself).

The importance of care for your pelvic floor muscles cannot be overstated. We strive to make therapeutic exercising with us as attractive as possible for clients by deploying modern therapeutic concepts that include biofeedback, by taking a personal approach to each and every client, and by providing tailor-made care.


What does the therapeutic regimen at My Clinic look like?

It all begins with the first appointment at our physical therapist. Patients practice pelvic floor muscle exercises under the therapist’s guidance, combined with electrostimulations administered by the MYO 200 and a device that operates based on the placement of transdermal electrodes in the area of the sit bones and the front of the lesser pelvis (lower abdomen). It is important to know that if you want to actively resolve complaints related to the pelvic floor, regular domestic exercise is an absolute must. 

The recommended frequency of visits is once weekly during the first month and later drops to, e.g., once every 2-3 weeks. The right number of visits differs from person to person, though the recommended regimen usually ranges from 5 to 15 visits. Follow-up examinations at the specialist usually take place after two months of regular exercising, at which point the specialist will advise you whether to continue exercising. Recognizable improvement usually occurs within 2-6 months of active and device-supported exercise. 

Who may benefit from a combined exercise regimen?

This type of exercise is well-suited for all adults who suffer from involuntary urine leakage to various degrees, whether only during sports or heavy exertion, during ordinary activities such as housework, or even during slight physical exertion or a change in position. Pelvic floor exercises are also advisable for women who find themselves unable to actively engage their pelvic floor musculature during day-to-day activities. Exercises are also recommended in the case of complaints such as dyspareunia (painful intercourse), having difficulty conceiving, or tailbone pains. Regular exercise helps to improve an intimate life of women.

Who shouldn’t exercise with the support of a stimulating device?

Device-supported exercising has its limits. For instance, electrostimulation cannot be used by clients whose bodies contain metal implants, surgical clips, or projectiles, or by clients with a pacemaker. Usage of the device is also not advisable during acute illness, or for some types of cancer diseases or clients suffering from heightened bleeding tendency. Nor can the device be deployed if the client is pregnant or menstruating.

If the client wears an IUD with metal parts, the physician should be made aware of this. In the case of underage clients below 18, parental presence is required.


  • 6 sessions of device-supported exercising with the MYO 200 and exercise under the supervision of a physiotherapist or electrotherapy through transdermal stimulation (each session lasts 45 minutes);
    frequency of treatments is weekly during the first month, and biweekly thereafter
  • Initial and exit examination by a physiotherapist
  • Pressure probe with biofeedback

In those cases in which the physiotherapist recommends electrostimulation with biofeedback, the client is asked to buy their own probe for CZK 3,025.

Price: CZK 29,500

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To those who completed the therapy plan, we offer the option to purchase additional individual therapeutic sessions.

We recommend an appointment with the referring physician for their assessment after 12 weeks.

Recognizable improvement usually sets in within 2-6 months of active and device-supported exercise.

Need help in picking the right program for you?

Drop us a message or call our client helpline – we will gladly assist.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po, Čt, Pá 07:30-16:00; Út, St 07:30-18:00