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Preventive Oncological Screening

Some problems in the area of the urinary tract or sexual organs can or must be treated with minor surgery. These procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, are usually minimally invasive, and don't take longer than an hour. After the procedure, the client can go home.

During surgical procedures we place utmost importance on the customer's maximum comfort and convenience, such as by applying an appropriate anaesthetic or sedative. Waiting times for surgical procedures are minimal.

Here are some examples of the procedures we perform:

  • Frenuloplasty - plastic surgery of the frenulum on the penis; a short frenulum is susceptible to frequent tears and can cause pain, especially during sexual intercourse
  • Circumcision - male circumcision, removal of the foreskin - this surgery may be performed for health reasons, as well as for religious or aesthetic reasons
  • Biopsy from the penis - tissue samples are taken if more detailed diagnostics are needed
  • Operation on a hydrocele - occurs when fluid collects in the sheath surrounding a testicle
  • Vasectomy - tying off the vas deferentia (sperm ducts) for purposes of sterilization. This is a form of male contraception.
  • Surgery to treat a narrowed urethra in women


Other surgeries at My Clinic:

Need help in picking the right program for you?

Drop us a message or call our client helpline – we will gladly assist.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po, Čt, Pá 07:30-16:00; Út, St 07:30-18:00