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Preventive Oncological Screening

Psychological Care at MY CLINIC

Our psychologists and psychotherapists are qualified mental health professionals who use a variety of psychological means to achieve the desired change.

Our Approach

We are a team of psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. Within psychology, we provide comprehensive care for adults, children and adolescents; individual, couple, family and group therapy. We also provide therapies online.

We emphasize professionalism, expertise, interconnectedness and a holistic view of each client. Our psychologists use modern comprehensive testing methods to diagnose, for example, autism, depression, anxiety, psychotic experience, various personality disorders, intellect and many other cognitive functions. 

We also specialize in the specifics of bilingual children and intercultural functioning. Within psychotherapy, we provide a highly specialized and individual approach according to the client's needs, from deep, dynamic, psychoanalytic psychotherapy to solution-oriented approaches, CBT and other techniques.

What We Help With

  • Clients who have found themselves in a life crisis, whether acute or long-term
  • Relationship and family problems
  • Problems resulting from acute or long-term stress
  • Difficulties caused by the trauma
  • Burnout syndrome
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Addictions 
  • Inter-cultural issues
  • Bilingual families


Our psychologists use specific diagnostic test methods in both the Czech and the English language. We use test diagnostics, for example, for autism, depression, anxiety, psychotic experience, various personality disorders, intellect and many other cognitive functions. 

Furthermore, the diagnosis is based on valid definitions of mental disorders according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) and DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), clinical examination and subjective difficulties of the client, or information from family members.


We work very closely within the mental health team (psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists) in order to provide the maximum possible comprehensive care for our clients and their families. 
We also co-operate with all other doctors at our clinic. We take into account a holistic view of individual difficulties and provide psychological intervention to clients in solving their somatic diseases. 

Our Team

The MY CLINIC mental health care team consists of medical specialists with many years of experience in the field. 

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